What We Offer

Boulder Venture Club operates off of community donations. If you'd like to help us put on great community events, buy materials, and help expand out reach, please consider becoming a donor. We'd love to have you!

Speaker Events and Panels

Our guest speaker and panel events will feature individuals with a wealth of experience, allowing our members to ask open-forum questions. Our speaker selection is industry agnostic, welcoming a diverse array of professionals to share their experiences and thoughts with our members. 

Past speakers have included Mike Leeds (namesake of the Leeds School of Business), David Brown (co-founder of Techstars), and Jaclyn Hester (Partner at Foundry Group).

Caffeinated Conversations

The mentorship program aims to provide students with a diverse range of mentors who have experience in various industries. By connecting students with experienced mentors, we hope to facilitate meaningful and personalized relationships that will help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen fields. 

Advocacy Pitch Competition

The competition will challenge participants to select and pitch a product or start-up. Students will enhance their sales and presentation skills in front of a constructive and welcoming community. Local mentors from the Boulder startup community, as well exclusive BVC Mentors, will be invited to provide feedback and guidance to the students.


The Venture Capital Investment Competition is a national competition that occurs annually, hosted by UNC. The competition tests competitors' abilities in the art of venture investing. Teams listen to pitches from real founders, and construct a term sheet as if they were investing in the company. Reach out if you are interested in joining the undergraduate team.